Peas are some of the easiest and funnest vegetable you can grow, and the cooking possibilities are absolutely endless! These expert tips for growing peas will ensure that your peas grow nice and healthy and that within no time you'll have your own pea bounty! Before you start to grow your own peas, you'll need to decide which variety you'd like to grow! There are several different varieties, with some of the most popular ones being shell or English peas, snap peas, and snow peas.

Growing Peas

Different Types of Peas

Shell/English Peas:

These types of peas need to be shelled from tough, inedible pods. They are called English peas because they are believed to have been developed in England in the 18th century.

Snap Peas:

Snap peas are the kind that you can consume whole – peas and pods! This variety is sweet, crunchy (therefore the name!), and also yield a high amount of peas.

Snow Peas: 

Snow peas are a variety of pea that produce tender, flat pods that can also be eaten whole, just like snap peas. These peas are harvested very young when the peas inside the pods are super small, and are most often used whole in stir frys.

Planting Peas:

Sweet Peas

  • Plant in early spring as soon as the soil is workable, usually 4-6 weeks before the last frost date.
  • Soil temperature for germination should be between 50-70F (10-20C).
  • Pea seedlings can usually take a blanket of snow, but if you see colder weather approaching for a longer time, be sure to cover your peas with a blanket.
  • If you have long, mild autumns, you can plant peas in late summer or early fall as well.
  • Before planting your pea, soak the seeds overnight in cold water. They'll soak up much of the moisture and will sprout much faster!
  • Grow peas in a sunny area with well drained soil.
  • Loosen the soil about 8-10 inches deep and mix in some compost or manure.
  • Plant pea seeds 2 inches apart and 1 inch deep.
  • Water immediately after planting and tamp down to make sure all seeds are still in the ground.
  • Thereafter water regularly but don't let the soil get waterlogged.

Armed with these tips for growing peas, you'll soon have your own pea harvest in no time!

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Growing Peas

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